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Aristo: where global vision meets business innovation

The global e-learning platform about marketing, innovation, leadership and business

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Are you ready to join the ranks of global Business Leaders?

Introducing Aristo, an exceptional video-based e-learning series to help you grow and shape your career to create global impact.

Witness the future of Executive Education with Aristo earn micro degrees endorsed by leading academicians and renowned universities such as Philip Kotler, Gabriele Carboni, Marshall Goldsmith, Martha Rogers, David Aaker and many others.

Aristo makes this knowledge available to you in the form of Cutting Edge completely online courses. The video-based courses are enhanced with interactivity and real life case studies that help understanding complex concepts in a practical manner.

Aristo courses come with an added layer of authenticity, as they are supported by executive and micro degrees from globally renowned universities and the esteemed Kotler Business School and the Kotler-Carboni Business School of Impact Marketing.

Use the access code BJB8O6 to get a 50% discount when you sing up!